The KEY™

I've heard it for years from my clients... "I wish there was a more comprehensive pricing tool for Interior Designers."

I knew there had to be a solution. I searched and searched but just couldn't find a robust, complete resource that covered all scenarios. So... me and Associate Coach Lesley did some outside-the-box brainstorming, and voila, The KEY™: The Designer's Ultimate Pricing Tool was born!

The KEY™ is your all-in-one planning + pricing + proposal solution for ANY pricing model and EVERY type of design project including:

  • Decor/Virtual Design Only

  • Full-Service Decorating

  • Remodels

  • New Builds

With The KEY™ you get my brand-new, exclusive Pricing Tool, PLUS...

  • Video Training - Extensive, 1-hour tutorial that walks you step-by-step through The KEY™

  • Job Profitability Analyzer - Quickly calculate how profitable each design job is and where adjustments can be made. 

  • Good Better Best Guide - Determine appropriate price ranges based on the desired service level

  • Markup + Margin Map - Determine your profit margin at a glance based on your markup percentage. 

  • Canva Proposal Templates - Create clear & concise client proposals that align seamlessly with the Pricing Tool. Professional, fully customizable templates.

This is YOUR KEY to maximizing profits for your business, and it's affordably priced because I want EVERYONE to have it!

Just think, you'll earn back your investment from the very first job you close using The KEY™ -- and it will serve you for the life of your business! This is the REAL DEAL — the total and complete pricing solution you've been looking for.

Grab yours today!

7 Modules

Job Profitability Analyzer

Is it time to celebrate? This Job Profitability Analyzer allows you to quickly see how profitable each interior design job is and where adjustments can be made. It includes an explainer video and a copy of the file to download. 

Markup + Margin Map

Simply scan this resource and determine your profit margin based on your markup percentage. And take the one-page pocket guide with you on the go! 

Modules for this product 7

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